
Our Books

Boarding Schools: All you Need to know - The launch in Hong KongBoarding Schools: All You Need To Know 

By Victoria Davies Jones and Jennifer Ma
Published by John Catt Educational 2014
Available from John Catt and Amazon

Prep4 joined forces with Jennifer Ma from Arch Education in Hong Kong to write a comprehensive guide for parents considering the boarding school option from outside the UK. This book covers every consideration from visiting and choosing schools, preparing for interviews and entrance exams to dealing with homesickness and cultural differences.



cover shotPrepare Your Daughter For Boarding 

By Victoria Davies Jones
Published by John Catt Educational 2013
Available from John Catt and Amazon

A guide to preparing your child before she has even left home, based on suggestions and anecdotes collected from girls, parents and staff. Topics include practical skills, communication, dealing with bullying and homesickness.

“As the mother of a soon-to-be boarder, I found there were no books offering advice on how to prepare children who are still at home. I discovered other parents felt the same and so as a journalist I thought I’d better write the book myself.”